Day 1
20 September 2023
08:30 - 09:30
Theatre Hall


Opening ceremony

Picture of Luciano Di Fonzo
Luciano Di Fonzo
Deputy Head of the Sport Unit at EACEA
Picture of Ignacio Menendez
Ignacio Menéndez
Rector of the University of Oviedo
Mayor of Gijon Carmen Morion Profile Picture
Carmen Moriyón
Mayor of the Municipality of Gijón
Picture of Alejandro Blanco
Alejandro Blanco
President of the Spanish Olympic Committee

Oficial opening ceremony of the European Sport Congress with speeches from the Presidential Committee and the European Commission.

Sport Networks Roundtable

Hugo Alonso – ACES Europe
General Secretary at ACES Europe
International University Sport Federation logo
Paulo Ferreira – FISU
Director General at FISU

European sport networks bring together institutions to promote cooperation, increase visibility, and foster sport development across different areas of sport. During this session, some of the main networks in Europe will present their organisation and initiatives.

11:00 - 11:30
Theatre Hall

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

Green Flame

Picture of Manuel Parga
Manuel Parga
Marketing and Sustainability Director Spanish Olympic Committee

"Green Footprint Lightening on sports Activities, Management, and Events" (Green FLAME) aims to promote a more sustainable sports environment in general and promote neutral sports events by encouraging not only sport managers but also fans. This goal will be achieved thanks to the experience and leadership of the Spanish Olympic Committee in the field of sports sustainability, but especially by the transnational cooperation of the consortium, which includes Olympic committees, research, and innovation institution, a sports association, and one SME specialised on the development of gamified apps.

12:00 - 12:30

Green Campus

European network of Academic Sport Services ENAS logo

Green Campus addresses the topic of sustainability at campus from the perspective of the Sport Services.
The project aims to support the managers and decision makers at this units within the universities by developing an evidence-based training programme and online course designed by experts in the sustainability and sport sciences areas.

13:00 - 14:30
Theatre Hall


14:30 - 15:30

Lab #1 Project Management and Reporting

Picture of Luciano Di Fonzo
Luciano Di Fonzo
Deputy Head of the Sport Unit at EACEA

This lab will explore the best way to manage and implement E+ Sport projects including the continuous reporting, the financial rules, the communication with EACEA, the management of deliverables and the administrative issues related to the signed grant agreement.

14:30 - 15:30
Annex Room 1

Lab #2 Sustainability in Sport

Picture of Mike McClure
Michael McClure
Chairman at European Network of Outdoor Sports

In 2021, the EU made climate neutrality, the goal of zero net emissions by 2050, legally binding and also set an interim target of 55% emission reduction by 2030.
Sport is not exempt from the challenges associated with climate change and biodiversity loss with low and even zero flow on waterways, extreme heat causing events to be cancelled and lack of snow for skiing to give just a few examples.
Understanding the implications of climate change and biodiversity loss as well as our own impacts is the starting point for effective management, reduction and mitigation.
This lab will highlight some of the latest data and provide information on the work that the EU Green Sports Working Group has done as well as the UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action - - programme. It will provide examples of good practice within the sports sector but also challenge participants to be interactive and to work collaboratively for effective and positive change in their organisations and projects towards a modus operandi that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

15:45 - 16:45

Lab #1 Project Management and Reporting

Picture of Luciano Di Fonzo
Luciano Di Fonzo
Deputy Head of the Sport Unit at EACEA

This lab will explore the best way to manage and implement E+ Sport projects including the continuous reporting, the financial rules, the communication with EACEA, the management of deliverables and the administrative issues related to the signed grant agreement.

15:45 - 16:45
Annex Room 1

Lab #2 Sustainability in Sport

Picture of Mike McClure
Michael McClure
Chairman at European Network of Outdoor Sports

In 2021, the EU made climate neutrality, the goal of zero net emissions by 2050, legally binding and also set an interim target of 55% emission reduction by 2030.
Sport is not exempt from the challenges associated with climate change and biodiversity loss with low and even zero flow on waterways, extreme heat causing events to be cancelled and lack of snow for skiing to give just a few examples.
Understanding the implications of climate change and biodiversity loss as well as our own impacts is the starting point for effective management, reduction and mitigation.
This lab will highlight some of the latest data and provide information on the work that the EU Green Sports Working Group has done as well as the UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action - - programme. It will provide examples of good practice within the sports sector but also challenge participants to be interactive and to work collaboratively for effective and positive change in their organisations and projects towards a modus operandi that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

17:00 - 17:30
Theatre Hall


17:30 - 18:00

European Priorities in Sport

Picture of Ibán Garcia del Blanco
Iban García del Blanco
Member of the European Parliament
20:30 - 23:00

"Espicha" dinner

Day 2
21 September 2023
09:30 - 10:00

Gender equality in Sport

Picture of Silvija Mitevska
Silvija Mitevska
Chair of the Working Group for gender equality at North Macedonia Olympic Committee

Gender equality is one of the priorities of the European Union (EU). The EU has committed to promoting gender equality in all areas, including in sport and recognizes that promoting gender equality in sports is important for ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of their gender. The lack of gender diversity in sports leadership can have negative impacts on gender equality in sports, as it can lead to policies and decisions that favour men over women, as well as perpetuate gender stereotypes and discrimination.

The project Gender Equality (GE FORCE) aims to empower sport organizations to balance gender representation in their leadership positions. The project delivers three main objectives such as research on gender equality at leadership level of the sports organizations, developing an online educational program on how to enhance the gender representation and available online consultancy system that can be used as a self-evaluation tool within the sport sector.

10:00 - 10:30

Good governance in Sport

Picture of Marko Begovij
Marko Begovic
Professor at Union Nikola Tesla University
10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30
Theatre Hall

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

Dual Careers

European Sport Congress Speaker, Natalia Orive, profile picture
Natalia Orive
EU Athletes

In an era where athletes strive not only for excellence in their sports disciplines but also for well-rounded personal and professional development, the concept of dual careers has gained paramount importance.
Drawing from her own journey as a professional futsal player and her role in EU ATHLETES, Natalia Orive will delve into the intricacies of dual careers, discussing the challenges athletes face while juggling rigorous training schedules, competitions, and the pursuit of academic or professional qualifications.

12:00 - 12:30

All in Plus

Olivia Conrad
"All in Plus" Project Officer

“All in Plus” is a joint project by the Council of Europe and the European Union in the pursue for gender equality in sport. It aims to expand and implement on the previous "All in" project with more recommendations and action plans on gender equality in sports through three main pillars: data collection and analysis in six key areas, creation of an online resource centre containing best practice examples; and work with and through the media to ensure greater awareness-raising about gender inequalities in sport.

13:00 - 14:30
Theatre Hall


14:30 - 15:30

Lab #3 Project Communication and Dissemination

Picture of Emilio Pena
Emilio Fernández Peña
Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

This lab addresses effective strategies to communicate science through traditional face-to-face ways or through digital platforms.
This seminar will propose some effective communication exercises applicable to the reality of each researcher.

14:30 - 15:30
Annex Room 1

Lab #4 Mobility in Sport

Pawel Poszytek

Mobility in sport is an opportunity for sport organisations staff to improve their competences and qualifications, and acquire new skills, by spending a period of time abroad. During this lab, participants will learn about EU funding programmes available for the mobility of sport staff.

15:45 - 16:45

Lab #3 Project Communication and Dissemination

Picture of Emilio Pena
Emilio Fernández Peña
Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

This lab addresses effective strategies to communicate science through traditional face-to-face ways or through digital platforms.
This seminar will propose some effective communication exercises applicable to the reality of each researcher.

15:45 - 16:45
Annex Room 1

Lab #4 Mobility in Sport

Pawel Poszytek

Mobility in sport is an opportunity for sport organisations staff to improve their competences and qualifications, and acquire new skills, by spending a period of time abroad. During this lab, participants will learn about EU funding programmes available for the mobility of sport staff.

17:00 - 18:30

"Category: Woman" screening and roundtable

Picture of Phyllis Elis
Phyllis Ellis
Movie Director

When 18-year-old South African runner Caster Semenya burst onto the world stage in 2009, her championship was not celebrated, but marred by doubt, her personal medical records leaked to the international media. The public scrutiny of her body, driven by racism and sexism, questioning the most fundamental right of who she is, a great champion. The International Amateur Athletics Federation (now World Athletics) then ruled that targeted female athletes must medically alter their healthy bodies in order to compete. Their naturally high androgen levels, 'deemed' a performance advantage. Category: Woman focuses on four remarkable athletes, from the Global South, forced out of competition by these regulations, the devastation to their bodies, and their lives. Equally arresting is their passion for sport is further emboldened by their conviction to stand up for their human rights.

Category: Woman is a ‘champions journey’ supported by remarkable advocates and experts who celebrate greatness in the face of oppression.

Following her award-winning film Toxic Beauty, filmmaker and Olympian Phyllis Ellis exposes an industry controlled by men putting women’s lives at risk while the policing of women’s bodies in sport remains, in a more nefarious way, under the guise of fair play.

20:30 - 23:00

Gala dinner

Day 3
22 September 2023
09:30 - 10:00

PhysEd Academy

Picture of Javier del Rio
Javier Fernández-Río
Professor at University of Oviedo

The main objective is to facilitate radical change in physical education by developing sustainable and international collaboration between physical education (PE) and PE teacher education that results in equitable outcomes for pre-service and in-service teachers, and school children and youth.

PhysEd-Academy will develop the pedagogy of PE teacher education by identifying, developing, and testing a set of signature pedagogies that can be used across PE teacher education in Europe and the rest of the world.

Prof. del Río is an specialist in Physical Activity and Education, and he is the director of the Sport Service at the University of Oviedo (Spain).

10:00 - 10:30


Picture of Paolo Caserotti
Paolo Caserotti
Professor at University of Southern Denmark

"Seniors active at home" (SenAte) focuses on the strategic priorities of Digitisation and HEPA, but from a perspective of inclusion of people with a low level of physical activity and sometimes access to these services. SenAte aims to promote physical activity at home as a tool to improve health in the senior population.
Prof. Caserotti is an international expert in physical activity for senior population, and will focus his keynote on how to use eHealth methodologies to activate this target population.

10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30
Theatre Hall

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

Contextualised barriers to exercise participation: an ecological approach

Picture of Rita de Oliveira
Rita de Oliveira
Professor at London South Bank University

Exercise is an European priority for healthy communities. Current approaches to exercise participation have identified and addressed intrapersonal aspects of education, motivation and cultural sensitivity but often overlook how communities’ physical environments also contribute to constrain physical activity. Here we take an ecological perspective into how urban environments constrain women’s engagement in exercise.

12:00 - 13:00

Closing Ceremony

During the closing ceremony, the 2023 Presidency will deliver this edition's best-communications and institutions' awards.



The European Sport Congress is an unique opportunity to disseminate results, present research and exchange ideas on sport developments. We aim at increasing the impact of sport projects and results by making them more visible and accessible to the community, reach policy-makers and relevant institutions.

The European Sport Congress online platform holds all the communications of the congress in video and poster formats during one year.

To increase projects visibility, EUSC shares the communications in its social media channels.

The Congress Book of Abstracts, published by the University of Oviedo, includes all the abstracts approved for the communications.

The best evaluated communications for attendees that are registered for the onsite event, get the opportunity to present at the main stage of the European Sport Congress event.

Communications submitted in video format get screened during the European Sport Congress event.

Submit a communication

Read the EUSC communications guidelines that regulate submissions.


Register as an attendee for the event or for online communications.




Submit your abstracts by filling out this form.


After your abstract is approved, submit the final communication in video or poster. The requirements for communications are in the Guidelines.



The best communications presented during the European Sport Congress event will receive an award, publicly announced during the Gala dinner. The four winners are getting, besides the awards, free entrances at the EUSC 2024.

Best communication

Best oral presentation

Sport Innovation award

Scientific Committee

Prof. Celestino RODRIGUEZ, PhD
Picture of Hee Jung Hong
Prof. Hee Jung HONG, PhD
Prof. Pablo GARMEN, PhD
Prof. Daniel CASTILLO, PhD
Picture of Paolo Caserotti
Prof. Paolo CASEROTTI, PhD
Prof. Daniel DUARTE, PhD
Prof. María PENADO, PhD
Prof. Pedro TEQUES, PhD
Prof. Grzegorz BOTWINA, PhD
Prof. Maurizio BERTOLLO, PhD
Zsanet BONDAR, PhD

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